Monday, May 13, 2013

Garrik's Landing (Level 1)

Inspired by both Dyson Logos and Matt Jackson I decided to give mapping a try again. I had not done any in 15+ years which left me with no style to speak of. So I am simply cloning their style for now, badly I might add. But I guess with some practice I could get back into semi-decent shape? Anyway, I just grabbed a stack of four-by-six note cards from Staples and slapped together the first level of "Garrik's Landing" which you see here.

Map of Garrik's Landing (Level 1)
Garrik's Landing (Level 1)

You can also grab a larger version if you feel like it. I have totally overdone it with the tracks/footsteps, I know that. Also several things are severely off-center, however that's actually quite alright for this location: It wasn't built by "perfectionist dwarves" after all. Constructive feedback would be appreciated! And I'll try to do one of these on a semi-regular basis to get back into the swing of things. We'll see for how long I can keep it up!


  1. That looks outstanding. And the fact that you included me in the same sentence as "Inspired by both Dyson Logos..." is mighty high praise my friend! If this is your first map in 15+ years, you are kicking ass! Keep it up. As for it being off-center, I have a friend who constantly reminds me that no one would build a perfect underground cavern, square corners are simply a waste of time and no one would bother to carve them out.

    Looks great to me!

  2. That's a damn good first effort after 15 years! You're sure you didn't practice a bit first? The only other thing I like to do is include a grid (10' or 5' or whatever, depending on context).
